
My Business Dashboard

Start Making Data-Driven Business Decisions​.

Our mission is to simplify the process of placing ads, improving them, and ultimately driving more sales for your business.

Make managing your ads more efficient than ever



Easily track the performance with our intuitive graphs, providing clear insights into your advertising efforts.


Compare to previous weeks and months, tweak strategies and identify the most effective advertising for your business.


Gain from our recommendations. Our dashboard guides you on the best times to boost specific ads and promote on peak days.

Gain insights with a comprehensive overview.

Track week-on-week and month-on-month improvements in listing views, leads, and engagement metrics for your ads.

Dive deeper into your stats.

Empower your advertising efforts with detailed analytics at your fingertips. Dive into further ad stats effortlessly, gaining clarity and direction to drive better results.

Tailored recommendations for your success

At HorseClicks, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities you face as an equine business, and our tailored recommendations are designed to help you craft the most effective advertising.

Ad Completion Analysis

By analysing ad completion rates, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your ad content to better capture and retain buyer attention.

Best Times to Boost Your Ad

Timing is crucial in maximising the impact of your ads. Our dashboard leverages historical data and trends to determine the optimal times to boost your listings.

Best Days to Promote Your Ad

Make the most of your ads by targeting the best days to showcase your inventory. Our dashboard identifies prime days for ad promotion based on consumer behaviour.

Continuous Optimisation for Ongoing Success

The equine advertising landscape is constantly evolving, and so are our recommendations.

Start make data-driven business decisions.

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