Dealer Pages

Manage your ads

Upon clicking ‘My Account’ choose the manage my ads tab and it will take you through to the manage my ads dashboard.
After clicking ‘Manage my ads, you will be taken to this page. From here you will be able to see which of the ads are live, inactivem expired and incomplete.
On the right-hand side of your ads you can choose what you do with your ads, whether you want to edit, boost (upgrade for a higher response), stop, renew or delete your ad if you wish to do so.

Uploading new ads

To upload a new add, simply click the ‘Sell For Free’ button at the top of the website and follow the instructions!
After clicking ‘Sell For Free’ you will be presented with this page, from here all you need to do is follow it step-by-step and put in all of your ads details

Your account

To get into your account, you can find the ‘My Account’ button on the top of the website, clicking on this will take you to a drop-down menu.

After clicking ‘Sell For Free’ you will be presented with this page, from here all you need to do is follow it step-by-step and put in all of your ads details

This is the dealer dashboard, here you can manage all of your ads and see all of the insights on your account, such as your phone clicks, email leads, views and messages.

Managing your enquiries

Getting into your enquiries is very simple, simply click on the ‘My Account’ dropdown on the top bar on the website and select ‘My Messages’
After clicking on ‘My Messages’ you will then be taken to this page. This shows you all of the enquiries you’ve had over time, with the number of messages you have in the orange box on the right. 
Selecting a message will bring you to this message area on the right of the enquiries, where you can see the ad they have enquired about and the message they have regarding the ad. To reply, simply scroll down, type your message and click reply and your message will be sent!

Changing your password / information

To get into your account, you can find the ‘My Account’ button on the top of the website, clicking on this will take you to a drop-down menu.
The drop-down menu will then give you some quick options which will take you to your selected area depending on what you are looking for.
This is the dealer dashboard, here you can manage all of your ads and see all of the insights on your account, such as your phone clicks, email leads, views and messages.

Account settings

To get to your account settings, simply click on the ‘My Account’ dropdown on the top bar on the website and select ‘My Messages’
After clicking on ‘My Account’ you will then be taken to your account dashboard. On the left hand sidebar, at the bottom, you will see a button which says ‘preferences’ click this and it will take you through to your preferences.
You will then be taken to this page which says ‘Profile’ this will show you all of your personal information, ie. First name, last name, mobile number, display name.

After editing any of these, make sure you click the ‘SAVE’ button at the bottom or all of your changes will be lost.

Clicking on the ‘Preferences’ button at the top of the page next to ‘Profile’ will take you to this page. This allows you to change all of your ‘Privacy Settings’ such as ‘Navigation mode’ ‘User interaction’ and ‘Email notifications’. 

Here you can also change your ‘User Preferences’ such as your ‘Display buddies’ and ‘Display profile buddies’. Make sure after you make any changes you click the save button at the bottom of the page or all of your changes will be lost!